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Buckeye Chapter of

Gallaudet University Alumni Association



Article I - Name


The name of this organization shall be the Buckeye Chapter of Gallaudet University Alumni Association (GUAA).


Article II - Objectives


First, to preserve and increase the influence and prestige of Gallaudet University as an institution of higher education for the deaf.


Second, to promote those concerns that affect the welfare of deaf people in general, especially those associated with education.


Third, to perpetuate the friendships formed during college life and to promote social and fraternal relations among graduates and former students of different college generations.


Article III - Membership


Section 1. The membership shall be divided into two memberships; Active and Associate,


Section 2. Active members shall include all persons who were duly registered as a graduate of Gallaudet.


Section 3. Associate members shall include all persons who were duly registered as a student of Gallaudet, but did not graduate.


Section 4. A majority approval of members present at any meeting is required before any individual who resides within the state of Ohio, can join this Chapter as an active, associate or social Majority member.


Section 5. Each active and social member shall pay membership fee annually as may be determined by the Chapter.


Article IV - Meeting


Section 1. Meetings shall be held twice yearly.  At least one social and one business meetings shall be on such days and at such places as the members may choose.


Section 2. The Executive Board shall have the power to call special meetings at any time.  (The President may also authorize conducting meetings via video conference or Zoom, etc, at his/her discretion.)


Section 3. All procedures shall be governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order, newly revised.


Article V - Officers


Section 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, Treasurer, and Past President.


Section 2. Elected officers shall serve a term of three years in the Fall, and they, except the Treasurer, shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.  (Revised: The membership shall vote for President and Treasurer to serve a term of three years and Vice-President and Secretary to serve a term of three years.)


Section 3. The President may appoint a member to fill a vacancy on the Executive Board until the next meeting when a successor shall be elected.


Section 4. The Treasurer shall be bonded in an amount appropriate to the circumstances.


Article VI - Duties of Officers


Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Board; enforce due observance of the Constitution and ByLaws; appoint all committees; sign all vouchers and documents when ordered to do; and have general oversight over the Chapter business.


Section 2. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, carry out all the President’s duties; and shall have other duties as are incidental to the office.  The Vice President shall be the ByLaws Chairperson or appoint a member from the membership to chair the law committee with the Board’s approval.


Section 3. The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of the Chapter; keep a record of the membership; supervise balloting at the elections; and be the custodian of all books, documents, and papers of the Chapter.


Section 4. The Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Chapter and shall pay out on vouchers.  He/she shall keep the records of the Treasurer’s bookkeeping.


Article VII - Committees


Section 1. At least one member shall be appointed by the President at the regular meeting, whose duty it shall be to audit the Treasurer’s accounts and to report at the meeting.


Section 2. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint such committees as he/she deems necessary to carry out the work of the Chapter.  He/she will be an ex-officio member of all committees.


Article VIII - Amendments


Amendments may be made to this Constitution at any regular, but notice of such amendment must be given, in writing, at least thirty days in advance.  A two-thirds vote, a cast shall be necessary for the adoption of an amendment.


Article IX - Non-Discrimination


For public purposes, the Buckeye Chapter of GUAA shall not discriminate in membership and activities from age, color, creed, disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, socio-economic class, sexual orientation or political affiliation.


Article X - Dissolution

Upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the executive committee and the approval by two-thirds of the membership of this Chapter, this Chapter shall be dissolved, and the Treasurer shall cause to be transferred all the funds, including deposits and investments, and all other assets and property of the Chapter, to the national Gallaudet University Alumni Association for full and restricted use and benefit as its Board of Directors may direct.


Revised May 4, 2022

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